The Calendar of Harptos:
Each year of 365 days is divided into 12 months of 30 days, and each month is divided into three tendays. Five special days fall between the months: Midwinter is a day of feasting and renewal of alliances; Greengrass marks the beginning of spring; Midsummer night brings festivals of feasting, music, and love; Highharvestide celebrates the fall harvest; and The Feast of the Moon celebrates ancestors and the honored dead.
Once every fours years, Shieldmeet is added to the Faerûnian calendar as a "leap day" immediately following Midsummer night. Thus, while most Faerûnian years have 365 days, every fourth year has 366. The next Shieldmeet as of the campaign year, 1353 DR, will be in 1356 DR: three years from now.
Each year is marked by a name written out centuries ago by the Lost Sage Augathra the Mad in the great library of Candlekeep. This year is the "Year of the Arch"; next year (1354 DR) is the "Year of the Bow"; last year (1352 DR) was the "Year of the Dragon".
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Calendar of Harptos
Matt S